Abstraction Layer

Liquidity Abstaction

Liquidity abstraction aggregates fragmented Bitcoin liquidity to provide cross-chain and CeFi yield opportunities. Uniquid Layer uses ADV for secure aggregation, with Taproot, Smart Contracts, and trusted strategists to provide safe yield access, along with optional MPC custodial services.

Key Components:

  • Taproot: Ensures the security of underlying BTC assets by enabling decentralized Bitcoin messaging.

  • Smart Contracts: Facilitates decentralized interactions with EVM environment protocols.

  • Third-Party Trusted Strategies: Provides trusted components for CeFi integration.

  • ADV: Enables secure cross-chain verification of self-custodied assets and aggregates liquidity for distribution based on user instructions.

  • MPC: Leverages partner services like Cobo Wallet to provide customized asset custody solutions.


Uniquid employs ADV to secure and abstract liquidity for integration into various schemes. For cross-chain transactions, it utilizes fragmented signing, which requires key fragments from multiple validators to enhance security. By anonymizing committee members and leveraging a large number of nodes with random selection for consensus, it prevents targeted attacks and single points of failure, significantly increasing the cost of malicious actions by nodes and enhancing the overall security.

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